This code runs in parallel with and in addition to Natural England's Countryside Code, which can be viewed on their website here. Don't muck about: abide by the code at all times whilst greenlaning. Remember, in order to continue to enjoy our chosen leisure pursuit courtesy, empathy, intelligence and common decency are compulsory.
- All routes at the time of our driving were legal for vehicular access. You CANNOT use byways subject to a Traffic Regulation Order, temporary closure order, restricted byways, bridleways or footpaths.
- If challenged whilst driving a byway, discuss it like an adult; if the issue can not be resolved, then leave as requested and research the byway further.
- Only drive greenlanes that have known, proven vehicular rights after studying the relevant Ordnance Survey map and cross checking with the relevant local county council's definitive map.
- Avoid badly rutted or sodden tracks: driving them will only make them worse for ALL users, and if the ruts are too deep you could damage the underside of your vehicle or, worse, get stuck. Don't risk damaging the lane or your vehicle.
- Don't stray off the defined track. Detours are only permissible to pass immovable obstructions, which does not count as an excuse to splosh about in mud to either side of the main route.
- Stay under 12mph and stop for walkers or horses (switch off your engine to avoid scaring the latter).
- Keep to a maximum of four vehicle convoys. All vehicles must be road-legal, as the same laws apply.
- Don't damage trees or hedgerows, except for cutting back any branches that could cause vehicle damage. You're entitled to do this by law because greenlanes should be maintained to a three metre minimum width. Further, the law allows you to remove illegal obstacles, but you must be 100% sure you're in the right before doing so. Be warned: some roads carry vehicular rights but are physically too narrow for 4x4s. If in doubt walk it first.
- Take recovery gear and a spade in case you get stuck. Keep your mobile fully charged and topped up with credit if necessary.
- Don't travel alone, or at least without a foolproof method of summoning help should you require it.
- Leave gates open or closed, depending on how you found them.
- Remember that wildlife faces many threats and URoW are valuable habitats, look after and care for nature, and take special care in spring and early summer.
- Take your litter home. No excuses. Ever. Pick up and dispose of that left by others, and report any fly tipping you see to the relevant council.
- Supervise dogs and children, especially near livestock.Watch out for injured or trapped animals, and report all suspicious events to both the police and the landholder.
- To avoid water pollution and water course erosion, don't drive water courses unless you absolutely have to and are certain there is a right of way. Take extreme care to check for submerged obstacles and that the current isn't too strong to cross safely.
- If in any doubt at all as to your capability or that of your vehicle, turn back.