- Overall Rating: 4
- Location: Swallick Farm, near Basingstoke, Hampshire.
- OS Explorer Map 144, 'Basingstoke, Alton and Whitchurch, Odiham, Overton and Hook'.
- Starting OS Grid Reference: SU636485
- Starting GPS Co-ordinates: N51 13' 58.00" W001 05' 22.17"
- Finishing OS Grid Reference: SU644480
- Finishing GPS Co-ordinates: N51 13' 40.05" W001 04' 38.21"
- To see: Basingstoke, Civil War earthworks at Basing House and Oliver's Battery, source of the River Loddon, the course of the Basingstoke and Alton Light Railway.
- ALWAYS follow the Greenlane Code!
Heading eastbound then, the lane initially heads down the side of Pidden Hill, following a meandering field boundary before it starts it's ascent of White Hill. At it's highest point, which is around 165m AMSL, there are some wonderful views north over Basingstoke, northern Hampshire and even Berkshire on a fine day. This short lane then begins it's final descent to Swallick Farm, who's access track passes through the remains of a bridge on the former course of the Basingstoke and Alton Light Railway. This line parallels the BOAT for a while, and although it carries no vehicular access (so don't try) it makes a great walk on a summer's day.
It scores a '4' because of the part it plays in 'the bigger picture': that is, it is one of many options which would theoretically allow you to spend an entire day out on the surprisingly high concentration of greenlanes in this area. It would have scored a 5 only if it were longer but, with rolling hills, a meandering route and an incredible view, this is a thoroughly enjoyable lane to drive.
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I did this route a couple of evenings ago after stumbling across your site, I shall be doing many more. :)
We're very glad you had fun, Nick! After all: that is what this site is about. But please, if you find an innacuracy during your travels please help is keep this site current by commenting below that post. Thanks, and enjoy!
Will do. :)
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