Illegal Off-Roading

Hello all! I read an interesting article the other day, which I discovered via GLASS's Facebook page. Appearing on the BMC's website and written by Ed Douglas, it is a rare and balanced account of the greenlaning vs everything else (by a climber none-the-less!).

Whilst the article itself is specific to the Peak District, the same argument is being had all over the UK: illegal off-roading is causing untold damage, not just to the countryside but also to the image of greenlaning, and all other user groups are letting us know it! We here at the Modern-Day Explorers do all we can to fight these idiots and prevent them from wrecking it for everyone else by becoming the model of responsibility: firstly by reporting anyone acting illegally to the police, secondly by reporting fly-tipping where we can't clean it up ourselves, and finally by repairing any damage we find on the greenlanes, whether caused by us or by others.

Its well worth a read, and if you have anything to say there is a comment section at the bottom. Here's the link:

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